A 360 on everything Learnir combines to allow you create the best of learning experiences.

Combined together, learnings experiences are unlimited, new components added as needed, learning experiences moved to in product as needed and the many other unique benefits of the collectiveness of tools Learnir offers.


Console is the control center to what takes place in your learning experiences. Console is not a dashboard, everything you do in console affects what Learners see and interact with via your learning portal.

Console streamlines how you will work with your team in the development of your learning portals and supports developer & non-developer personas to allow maximum efficiency and output

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Templates is how you present your learning content to your target audience, in all templates, content is organized by categories or the most up to date content. This allows consumers to see what is the latest content in your portal by category or by changes in the listings.

Templates are fully customizable and allow your learning portal engineer to work native to his/her environment with full control without any platform limits, yet all the benefits of platform features.

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Components is an ever growing library of toolsets which enable you build interaction into your learning experiences as learners go through a box to completion.

Components can be added as needed and fall into an ever growing list of types, Quiz types, Embed types, Reward types of which have an ever growing list of subtypes, like single, multi and written response quizes all the way to certifications, badges etc.

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Everything offered in Learnir templates is built using sdks developed around developer APIs allowing you to interact with your content anywhere, anyhow on the internet.

SDKs perform functions all the way from loading learning content, recording learning events, to adding a learner to your collection etc. This abtraction allows faster ways of development ensuring speed and stability of the development of anything with Learnir behind it.

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Integrations is an upcoming feature to allow you transfer virtualized learning reports data to your channels of choice. Below you can see the multitude of ways you can recieve this learning data.

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