Difference between your LMS and Learnir's headless LX. development platform

Post by Henry Asante on May 14, 2022

Leanir offers a set of complete tools to use that it appears to not be headless. But then it is. How does that make it difference from your current LMS?

Headless is a seperation of frontend from backend, this architecture favours users who want to build something custom - mostly with a goal of creating a better experience than what their current service providers are able to do via their managed systems.

Learnir is not different in this respect. It is a seperate service that you can use to build your own frontend but then you dont have to do so traditionally because learnir has solved much of the frontend problem as well - which is getting the man power to be able to build it in the first place via Learnir Templates.

Headless provides unlimited scale and flexibility but it also comes with a lot of challenges. You have to be able to build your own frontend and manage it. You have to be able to manage your own data. You have to be able to manage your own deployments.

Of course Leanir has solved this through its other products but then the greater issue remains still.

Hence making building something truly custom hard. Luckily you dont have to do so as Leanir has solved this for you. Talk to us about your requirements and we can help you build something custom yet manageable.