Build beautiful

Go headless with the many templates Learnir provides and customize it to suit the best taste.

Achieve a great learning experience & Connect learning to your organizational goals.

Create your content

Multiple Learning Data Types
Support All Learning Data Types - video, audio, documents etc.
Learning Components Directory
Quizzes, Commerce, Code environments etc
Extensive fields for more data
Support more fields for author data, code examples etc.
Deploy your website

Secure Content by Default
Manage the security of your content with advanced tools.
Website Templates Directory
Templates for all learning websites. Academy, Inproduct etc.
Easy Custom Development
You can forgo templates and use our sdks to build something truly custom.
Create your reports

Record all Learning Analytics
Automatically get all data for your learning analytics.
Computed Learning Analytics
Enjoy auto computed learning analytics in multiple categories.
Generate Learning Reports
Export learning analytics data into report files or Auto recieve via email.

& Ready to support you and
your education team.

Curriculum Creators

Curriculum Creators can work in learnir console to achieve their content creation goals with content versioning and a approval workflow in place.

Education Engineers

Education Engineers can work on customizing the learning website easily provided - A complete learning website template and a list of developer tools - Learnir SDKs | Learnir Cloud | Learnir EXP | Learnir CI & Learnir Websites & Components Direcotory,

Success Managers

Success Managers can take analytics information to further learning goals - Invite passionate learners to webinars - Invite dropped off learners to new courses and direct them to what suits them etc.


Manage everything about your learning experiences from one panel - Get insights about your learners, their learning goals, their progress, and more.

& More!

Learnir is a truely extensible learning experience building platform. Everything you touch is truly extensible. You can invite your organization members and setup custom permissions for them - very specific permissions as a super admin.Learnir is the platform you want!

Ready to create your first learning experience?

Frictionless & Optimized for each role in your team.