& Ready to support you and
your education team.
Curriculum Creators
Curriculum Creators can work in learnir console to achieve their content creation goals with content versioning and a approval workflow in place.
Education Engineers
Education Engineers can work on customizing the learning website easily provided - A complete learning website template and a list of developer tools - Learnir SDKs | Learnir Cloud | Learnir EXP | Learnir CI & Learnir Websites & Components Direcotory,
Success Managers
Success Managers can take analytics information to further learning goals - Invite passionate learners to webinars - Invite dropped off learners to new courses and direct them to what suits them etc.
Manage everything about your learning experiences from one panel - Get insights about your learners, their learning goals, their progress, and more.
& More!
Learnir is a truely extensible learning experience building platform. Everything you touch is truly extensible. You can invite your organization members and setup custom permissions for them - very specific permissions as a super admin.Learnir is the platform you want!